God works in answer to prayer

By John David Hicks

As I have read about prayer from the saints, they have taught me that God will do nothing, except in answer to prayer. Why?  “The just shall live by faith,” trusting God.  In your life, your family, your church and the world, “You have not because you do not pray.”  Prayer brings God into the picture. Jesus said, “Without me you can do nothing.”

As long as you think you can handle the situation, you won’t pray. The less self-confidence you have, the more you will pray. So God must take away your confidence in yourself and your ability. By making you weak, He then can make you strong (2 Cor.3:5-6).

The Christian life is a relationship with God.  Prayer is crucial to that relationship.  Prayer is “abiding in the vine” and that will make you fruitful.  True prayer is a two-way communication.  I speak to God and God speaks to me.  I don’t know why God needs me to pray; He knows all. But God has said that He wants me to pray, to admit my need.

I’ve said that prayer changes things. No!  Prayer doesn’t change things.  Prayer changes people and they change things.  The impossible becomes possible.  The weak become strong.  The lame walk; the blind see; the dead are raised.  “It is not by your might or power, but by my Spirit says the Lord.”

This sign hangs in my prayer chapel: “Whose life shall I change, and what circumstances shall I influence today with my prayers!”  God works in answer to prayer.