My Prayer of Commitment!

John David Hicks, Evangelist © 1999

Jeremiah 31:3, “The LORD appeared to us in the past, saying: “I have loved you with an everlasting love; I have drawn you with loving–kindness. NRSV, therefore I have continued my faithfulness to you.”

You, O Lord, have loved me with an everlasting love. You have seen my past, present and future. I have settled it in my heart that I am loved and accepted by you and that love will never change! No matter what I do, you will not love me any more. No matter what I do, you will not love me any less. I am secure in your presence. I have fixed my eyes on you, the author and perfecter of my faith. I expect you who began a good work in me, to accomplish your purposes. I acknowledge your sovereignty and sustaining grace. Thus, I will not waste my time arguing with you about my weakness and unworthiness. You called me and ordained me. The choice was not mine, but yours. Your will be done.

O Lord, I give you my body, soul, spirit, my substance, my friends, my possessions, my liberty, my life, my all. I am yours. Make me your bond servant. Use and dispose of me as you will. I have made my choice. I am not my own, I belong to you. Claim me as your right: love me as your child. Catch me when I stumble, protect me when I am attacked, heal me when I am wounded, resurrect me when all seems hopeless. I am your servant to do your will and that will is more desirable to me than greatness or wealth or power or position and I choose it over all things in heaven and on earth. I want to live in your light and see things as you see them. As you Lord, examine my heart and discern my ways, point out to me my blind spots and any evil intent in my heart that I may walk in your ways. Then cleanse me and lead me into obedience, the path that is everlasting.

Lord, give me the desire to want what I need most from you, a relationship with YOU, yourself. I am grateful for your heart of love that calls me into this fellowship. This was the purpose of creation, that I might know you, the only true God and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent. You initiated the relationship. Your union in my heart is your gift of yourself. You have redeemed me and I am passionately in love with you. When you Love someone, you enjoy them. You want to be with them. Their very presence gives you pleasure. Let me grasp the truth that you Love me, delight in me and enjoy me! Let me comprehend that you actually want me more than my service. I pray that the eyes of my heart will be open to see the incredible greatness of your Love and power toward me. I bow in your presence in wonder, praise and worship!

O Lord, you have anointed me with the oil of the Holy Spirit; you have gifted me with your wisdom, righteousness, holiness and redemption, to live in your presence and to labor by your power and experience your victory. Lord, the harvest is great, send me into your field to reap and raise up workers. I desire to be a part of your mission, to reconcile men to God, so that all people may know the passionate love you have for them. I will not be detoured or compromised. Nor will I flinch in the face of sacrifice or negotiate with the adversary, the world and all others. Before them I have nothing to prove, nothing to gain, nothing to lose, I am your servant and I delight in your will and Your approval is all that matters. Your kingdom is my cause and your Joy is my strength. Thus, I will watch and pray for I want be a discipline soldier when you come for your own. I will be in the front line of battle, obeying your orders, loyal to your church. My banner will read: “AN AUDIENCE OF ONE!” For it’s all about You, Lord, not about me! You O Lord, are my beloved, my message, my center, my essence, my purpose, my all! You are good, your unfailing Love and faithfulness continues forever. To you be all the glory and honor for ever and ever! –Amen and Amen!


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