Prayer Warrior Commitment

Prayer Warrior Commitment*

FROM: John David Hicks, Evangelist
TO: The Prayer Warriors in the Church

Real REVIVAL is defined as the unconditional outpouring of God’s grace that brings repentance in the people of God, conversion of non- Christians, and the sanctification of believers. RENEWAL, on the other hand, is a revitalization of God’s people so that they set themselves to obey God’s word as seen in Nehemiah 8 and Haggai 1:12-15. We need them both. I am praying that in this meeting God will do the impossible in the lives of people (Luke 1:37).

For a genuine revival to take place there must be a commitment to prayer, the cultivation of a burden for lost souls, the crying out to God for revival in the church, and the clear presentation of the gospel. I am committed to do my part as I “do the work of an evangelist” (2 Timothy 4:5). I trust that you will do your part as a Prayer Warrior (Jeremiah 33:3; Matthew 6:6).

Use this Prayer Warrior Commitment to help you pray for the upcoming revival. Get together daily with a friend to pray, each of you praying for every other request as you go through the list. Or meet in a larger group for prayer. Be sure to intercede by name for the people who need God. Pray for the church leaders, pastor, and evangelist as well.

I am looking forward to this revival and being with you. I will be praying with you for a special time of God’s anointing on the services. God bless you in your work.

Your Brother in Christ,
John David Hicks, Evangelist

*I have adapted the prayer request material from the Bible and insights from prayer warrior Elaine Pettit and other sources.

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“For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.” (2 Corinthians 10:4)


I pray:
1. That the Holy Spirit will have complete right of way and leadership in the preparation time, in every service, session, and meeting.
2. That every heart would decide to be obedient to Christ’s leading.
3. For a bold anointing of God in word and deed on our evangelist John David Hicks and the pastor.
4. That people who are resisting holiness will repent and consecrate their lives to Jesus.
5. That lost souls in the church and this area will come to know Jesus Christ.
6. That those who are saved and sanctified will receive a special blessing that ignites the passion of revival fires.
7. That God will open doors that no one can close, preparing as many people as possible to attend the revival and unite with the local church.
8. That distractions will be minimized during the service.
9. That listeners will have “ears to hear,” “eyes to see,” and hearts that respond to the Holy Spirit.
10. That during altar calls people will respond quickly to God’s leading.
11. That people will begin to tithe and worship the Lord in joyful giving.
12. That people will sense an urgent need to have a Matthew 6:6 prayer time.
13. That faith will increase and Christians will incorporate fasting as a regular part of their life.
14. That people would have a “judgment day honesty” and a new sense of the fear of the Lord.
15. That people will see the need to attend pre-service and other organized prayer times.
16. That our evangelist John David Hicks will be hidden behind the cross as he preaches.
17. That Satan would be bound in Jesus’ name from hindering the services.
18. I plead the blood of Jesus over the services.
19. That Satan’s weapons forged against the services, this church, and my family will not prosper.
20. That together we believe God will do exceedingly abundantly above all that we ask or think.
21. That God would make the most of the opportunity, for the day is evil.
22. That the Holy Spirit will convict people of sin, of righteousness, and of the judgment to come.
23. That God’s reputation would be preserved in the church.
24. That people would come from the north, south, east, and west in response to the workings of God, making for the greatest attendance ever in the church.
25. That spiritual forces in high places contrary to the Spirit of God would be bound and prevented from hindering the healing work of Christ.
26. That people will be healed in body, soul, and spirit.
27. That people would come to understand the absolute need to surrender everything to God, so His perfect plan would go into effect to reach a lost and dying world.
28. That our evangelist John David Hicks and his family would be protected and kept safe in his days of preparation for the revival.
29. That every word in agreement with the will of the Father shall accomplish what He desires and succeed in the matter for which He sent it.
30. That the Holy Spirit would demolish any spirit of division, apathy, complacency, greed, or pride in the church.
31. For specific deliverance from the bonds of alcoholism, drug addiction, sexual addictions, homosexuality, greed, and any other form of immorality that is prevalent in the lives of people.
32. For social transformation that empties the bars and jails yielding a return to Christian values in our society.
33. That during the revival services God will call men and women into full-time Christian service, that the fulfillment of Joel’s prophecy would come true: “your sons and your daughters shall prophesy….“
34. For anointing power and wisdom upon our church leaders and pastor concerning the movement of God.
35. That God would protect the revival fruit, and that the fruit would remain and multiply.
36. That our evangelist John David Hicks would have:
• the authority of Jesus.
• a double portion of God’s Spirit.
• God’s message with discernment.
• liberty and freedom to preach.
• a healing anointing.

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